Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Page by Page - A start of something

Hello, good reader. Whoever you may be. Hopefully, you're reading this because you want to, or stumbled upon it in some way. In any case, I thank you. This new blog is an experiment for me, and I hope I can make this a professional item some day. I have decided that a bi-weekly newspaper, as good as it is, is not enough to really contain what I really think about. So, here you will find my unedited musing and articles that sometimes appear in the Virginia Wesleyan Chronicle. I like writing alot about tech, video games, and other things that hold my interest. I don't expect to become your new blog of choice, but who knows: maybe you actually like what I have to say. By the time anyone reads this, there should be some new content for you. So, read some stories, follow my links, and leave me lots of comments so I know what you think.
